Thursday, May 28, 2009


It is with much sadness on both my and Cutter's part to say that Preschool has come to an end for this school year. Cutter LOVES preschool. He loves his friends, he loves to learn new things and create, create, create, and he loves Teacher Tricia! I also love to hear about his friends, to see the things he has learned and created, and Teacher Tricia is the best! He will miss all those things. I will miss them too... and the 2 1/2 hours I had to myself on the occasional preschool day. BUT, he still has T Ball for two weeks, the Sisters are home for the next three, and Preschool starts up again in August. Yipee!

Our garden (through Cutter's camera work)

Every so often when I go to take a picture, or load pictures onto the computer I find that the camera has gotten into little hands. I have wanted to post pics of our garden and the progress we are making with our little plot and our boxes, so here are some pictures taken about two weeks ago, courtesy of Cutter.

The tomato plants are doing much better, and we have beets, carrots, onions and swiss chard showing their green furry little heads! We also now have wood chips to go around all the boxes. I also have strawberry plants, peas and cilantro growing in containers out front. Yeah!!!!

Our little Sea Gog (Dog)

Our little man is playing T ball this year. He is so cute in his uniform and hat. He is doing a pretty good job too, if he doesn't lose interest to soon in the game.

Cutter "on deck"

Up to bat ---- we have discovered that he actually bats much better left handed (yea dad and Grandpa J)

Rounding 1st on to 2nd base

Hanging out at 2nd with Dad

Ready at 3rd to head for home plate

fielding the ball (looks like a pro to me!)

It has been fun to watch him get excited about it, and want to be up to bat. But, in his book the best part is the snow cone from the Snack bar after each game! What a boy!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

"1st Grade Through the Year A Musical Journey"

Cassidy had her 1st grade program on Wednesday. She was so excited for Cutter and I to come and be able to sing to us. She did a great job and looked so cute in her class t shirt.

She came home about two weeks ago and told me she had a part for the program she needed to memorize. Great! I thought not a problem. Every month as part of her homework she has had to memorize a poem, and does it well, without my help. It comes naturally to her. But, for some reason she got all worked up over this part. She thought for sure she was not going to be able to do it. I told her she would do great, and get it down really easy. This was only 5 lines. Her poems are more like twenty. But, she worried, and stewed over it..... Then, Monday after school she comes home with a big smile on her face, and said "I know it mom, look I am going to throw it (her cheat sheet)in the garbage." She promptly did that and then told me her part without any hesitation. Wednesday she was perfect, spoke slow enough and loud enough you could understand her. The dances and songs were so cute!!! What a gal!

Just a note, Cutter is sitting on my lap while I am taping this. Sorry the camera is so up and down.

"The Water Cycle Song"

"Parts of of a Plant"

"The Popcorn Tree"


"We Had a Good Day"

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Wheeler Farm

Cutter's last field trip for Preschool was to Wheeler Farm. I asked C to take a couple of hours off and come with us. We had a good time. It was a babysitting day, so I had 5 extra kids. They enjoyed the baby animals, the ducks, tree house, and the wagon ride. So grateful that Cutter has had this opportunity to go to preschool. He enjoys it so much. He has made good friends and has learned a lot. I am glad he will be going again this next year. Not sure what he or I will do for the next 3 months when he doesn't have preschool. He usually asks me everyday if he has preschool or not. He especially likes the girls there. He told me the other day that he and Madelyn were going to get married! He cracks me up!