Monday, April 19, 2010

Coloring Eggs

Kenzie put this cute collage together for her blog I think, but I am going to use it too!

The Tuesday before Easter, C was going to be home for the evening, so we decided to color eggs that night as a family. Kenz had been asked to babysit, so we just invited those kids to come over and join us. All the kids had so much fun! We enjoyed Dad being home, and having friends over to enjoy the adventure as well. Kenz was able to join us, and earn money too! It was a good thing :)

Halloween (yeah I know it's April)

So I never got these pictures on the blog, so I thought I would post the kids Halloween pictures now. They are still cute pics to look at in April!

C was a pirate along with Cutter

Cassidy the year prior had told me so wanted to be a Dead Ballerina. I had hoped that she would forget as the year transpired. Alas, she did not. She loved it!

McKenzie decided on The Mad Hatter. Very cute, especially for the Halloween Dance at school!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Vegas Baby!

We had the opportunity to go to Las Vegas in February to see the NASCAR races. We jumped all over it. It has been 4 years since we have been, and we needed sometime just to ourselves. So after a few phone calls to make sure the kids had a place to stay with Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Jannie, it was a done deal. We were able to stay at the condo in St.George the first night, and then headed down to Vegas after dropping off the kids, and having a nice visit with my family. We got in town just in time to meet friends at the race track and walk over to see the Nationwide race. It was raining, and the race was delayed, but we were just so excited to be there! My brother made us arrangements to actually stay in Vegas that night. After the race, we headed to our hotel, and enjoyed a great Mexican dinner. It has been 14 years since we have actually been "in" Vegas. We have been to the track of course, and driven through, but not inside Vegas for that long. It was quite the experience, things have definitely changed and we just wandered around, and enjoyed just being alone. After a good nights sleep, we headed to the race track. It was a nice sunny clear day. We made good time to the track, and parking has improved over the years. We spent a good amount of time out seeing all the tents,driver trailers getting souvenirs for the kids etc. We had scored some great seats, and had a great view of the entire track. It still is just amazing to be there at the track, and to hear those engines, and see the cars up close. We enjoyed every minute of it, even if our driver didn't win.
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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Piano Recital

For the fact that she did NOT want to do recital, there was a double booking at the facility and we had to be squished in a small practice room, the pianists had to sit out in the main area until their turn, and that it felt like the first row of the audience was looking right over your shoulder...she didn't do to bad.