My house is often full with my own children, and others that I tend. Friends often say that I have a revolving front door and it is true. There is usually someone coming, or going. It fills my days, fills my pocketbook, and especially fills my heart. It keeps me busy. It is a rare occasion that I go anywhere other than to run an errand. Something I need to change. I have always loved to go for rides, go somewhere, see something. I remember doing it as a child, my best friend and I in high school drove all over this valley. C has indulged me in the past 16 + plus years, but they have lessened in number for various reasons, and I miss it. So, when my good friend asked what I was doing on a particular Wednesday, and did I want to go with her and her kids up to Midway, and places in between I jumped at the chance. I didn't have anyone I was tending that day, and Cutter and I were off on an adventure. We took the kids up to the Church Museum, and enjoyed every minute of it. We spent most of our time in the "I Am A Child of God" section, and the kids loved it. My friend and I got ideas for our callings, the kids did all the interactive activities including putting a few ties in the quilt they had up to give to the Humanitarian Center. After, it was up the Canyon to Midway and a delicious Mexican lunch, and then on to her cabin to do a little clean up. She hadn't invited me along to help her clean, but I was so happy I didn't mind at all. We changed the bedding on 5 beds, straighten the furniture and took the garbage out. It reminded me of all the business trips we took when I was little girl, and how I would follow the maids around and talk to them as they worked. (Sounds weird I know, but that is a great memory for me!). Once we finished, we headed for home, stopped for a drink and snack, (just like all the rides before) and back down went. It was such a great day, I enjoyed every minute it of...it was an awesome Wednesday getaway!
What a fun day!