It is a well known fact that where we live, the wind blows...and blows, and blows. So, it was not unusual that the wind had picked up, and in Winnie the Pooh manner, it was a very blustery day. I had the back door open, and being the middle of the day, and the kids should be coming home soon, the garage(car door) was open as well. Cutter decided he wanted to go outside, and opened the people door to the garage. He stood there in the doorway talking to me with his hand on the door frame when a great vortex of wind grabbed the door and slammed closed on that cute little Cutter hand. He screamed, I had to pry the door open to get his little fingers free. I was so scared to look, I kept telling myself I wasn't going to throw up. It had torn the skin back on two finders, and he couldn't move them. I called the Doctors to see if we should come to them, or if I needed to take him to instacare. They said to bring him over, and they took us right back. He was so brave as they x rayed his hand. He just kept asking for a bandaid (the cure all for every owwie). Sure enough both fingers were broken, just small hairline breaks though. So, after bandaids, and two splints, tada.... Transformer fingers. He enjoyed showing the neighborhood his fingers, and the next day he told me they were better and didn't need to wear the splints anymore. Sorry buddy, 7 to 10 days. But, after the second day he was used to them, and for the most part kept them on. Then, when it was time to take them off, he wasn't so sure about that. He was worried about them hurting, and he liked transformer fingers! What a boy! :)
Herriman PD vs City water guys
6 years ago
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