We have a new goal for our family. It has been our goal for quite sometime, but we have renamed it, reworked it and all are taking ownership of it. We have counseled together about it. We have discussed it as a family. We want dad home at night.
We have been very very blessed that in our time of need, C was able to get a 2nd job. We know how extremely lucky we are, when those close to us have had a hard time even finding any job. For many years now C has worked two jobs. We have managed without him being around at night, getting were we need to be, and doing all the regular after school, evening activities. It hasn't always been easy, but we have done it. BUT WE MISS HIM! We need him home. We need his love, his counsel, his help, his sense of humor, his teasing etc. So we have changed our prayers. We have changed our way of thinking. We have changed our goal. We still need to get out of debt, which is why he took the second job in the first place. We need that income to survive, that hasn't changed. But our outlook has.
Through our prayers, through inspiration from the Holy Ghost, we started Operation Get Dad Home. We all have had to rethink things, and are making sacrifices, and we are being blessed for it.
The kids are taking cold lunch now instead of hot lunch, saving us at least $80 a month. Cutter had a hard time at first, he was so excited to go to first grade and take hot lunch. But, we have worked it out. Each month they can pick one hot lunch that they want have. Kenzie is on board too, with some reluctance at first. There is stigma involved with "brown bagging it." But she too joined in. It is working out great, and I also am glad to have more control over what they are putting into their bodies.
The kids also gave up art. Every off track they would go to art classes. Cass and Kenz enjoyed it so much, and they both are so talented... but. It was also hard to make this decision, because it was Cutter's turn to join in on the art fun. But, we resisted. Kenzie has not said anything about missing going each week. Off track time has come and gone, and neither Cutter or Cass asked, or thought anything about the art classes. Such a blessing. We are saving $120 dollars each off track time because of this decision.
So many other things are blessing us in this goal. I will post more about Kenzie and soccer later. But, little things keep coming up that have helped us toward this goal. Expenses that we are able to cut back on, a raise from Kinkos, etc. etc. etc. There are so many little things, but great blessings too us. The Lord has had his hand in our lives, we see it, we recognized it, we love it, we have such gratitude for it. We have the faith, that when the time is right, as we continue to do the things that we have been counseled and prompted to do we will GET DAD HOME!!!!!!!
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