What an amazing opportunity Kenzie has had. For several months she and all the other youth in the new temple district have been practicing for the cultural event. It has been fun to watch her get excited, and enjoy going to the practices. She got to go up to the Conference Center and practice just as a choir, and then go again for the dress rehearsal. She came home both times so excited for the program and all the things they were going to do. I was excited for her too. We talked a lot about what a neat experience to be in the same room with President Monson, and hear him speak just to the youth, and feel of his spirit. It was neat for me to drop her off at the meeting place for the ward, and see all the youth dressed either in their choir outfits or their costumes. We went as a family over to our Stake Center and were able to watch the Celebration from there. I was so filled with the spirit. I was so happy for her, and her opportunity. I loved what President Monson said to them, I loved watching all the dances, I loved hearing all the songs she had learned as part of the choir. I loved seeing the "Temple" rise out of the mountain they had built on the stage. I loved singing all the primary hymns about the Temple, and Forever Families. I loved the song written for this celebration "Come Up to the Mountain of the Lord." But, I think my most favorite part was at the very end as President Monson was leaving, he turned and waved at the youth...and they all waved back.
Herriman PD vs City water guys
6 years ago
What an awesome experience!