Monday, June 29, 2009

Herriman Days Parade

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We always look forward to Herriman Days. The parade, carnival and fireworks. It signifies the start of summer and all the fun activities. This year Cassidy had the opportunity to actually be in the parade with her dance group. She was very excited about it. She got to wear her new shirt from Illuzion Dance, and ride on a trailer with hay. Kenzie and I took her over to the school to meet her group, dowsed in sun screen and with her water bottle and candy to throw. We went and found us a spot along the parade route, and went back and got Cutter and Cory. Kenz and Cutter had a great time gathering all the candy. We love the sheriffs on their motorcycles. We saw Eden (Kenzie's art teacher) following behind them, her husband is a sheriff. The Bishop, his daughter and her friend from our ward were the flag bearers. Then we saw Miss Cass and we yelled and screamed. She was so happy, and had a great time. Cory took the kids to the carnival later that day, Cutter loved the Ferris wheel. They came home with fun little prizes as well. It was a great day!


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Oquirrh Mountain Temple Open House


What a truely once in a lifetime opportunity we have this year being able to not only visit one new temple in the valley, but two. Cory didn't make it to the Draper Temple with us in March, so I made sure that we ALL got to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. This is our new temple. This is where we will go, to fill our ward and stake assignments, this is where McKenzie will go from now on to do Baptisms for the Dead. She was able to go with the ward her first time to the Jordan River Temple the Wednesday before we went to the Open House. She loved everything about doing Baptisms and wants to go again and again and again. So it was extra special for her to go through this temple knowing what to expect now and knowing that this is where she will go from now on. Cory took a Friday off, and we went as a family to the Open House. It was so beautiful and peaceful. It is so different from the Draper Temple, both extremely beautiful. They are different designs. Draper is very square, and the Oquirrh Mountain is Rectangular, and has two grand staircases. The Celestial Room is at the east end of the temple, the Chandelier in there is an eight pointed star. It is absolutely gorgeous. I had met a gentleman while waiting for our food one Wednesday at Carl's Jr, he was up from Utah County working in the temple, getting things ready to hang the chandelier and told me about it, so I was anxious to see it in person. Because this will be our temple we also have the opportunity to serve at the open house. Cory and I had gone to a training meeting the day before and it was so fun to walk through and recognize people from our Stake their volunteering. In the sealing rooms they have invited the Bishoprics and their wives to be in the rooms and share their testimonies about the temple. As we walked into one of the sealing rooms, the girls recognized the women in their that was going to speak to us. She is the crossing guard that the girls see everyday going to and from school. That was so neat for them. They got a hug, and I think it made it more personable and real to them to hear someone they know from their everyday goings on share her testimony. As we exited the temple and headed to the hospitality tent, Cutter looked up and there to greet us was Teacher Tricia, Cutter's preschool teacher. He was excited and gave her a hug. Again, so neat to see someone from his little world there serving and sharing in the special blessing of this temple. After our cookie, we headed to the front of the temple and took pictures. The Laurels have been asked to serve at the front of the temple and offer to take pictures so everyone can be in the picture. Just a wonderful, special experience.
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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Scoccer Girl - The end of an Era?

The final game of the year! Kenzie has been playing soccer with the same group of girls for about 4 years now. They play fall and spring. She has really enjoyed it and the coach that she has had for the past two years has really worked with the girls, and they have come a long way. Unfortunately, this is their last year together. Several of the girls have decided to move on to competition soccer. Sadly that was not an option for us financially or schedule wise as well. She will play again one more year with a friend that also chose to continue with USA Soccer. We will see what next year brings. Kenzie really thinks she wants to get back into dance or gymnastics/tumbling. It is just fun to watch her, and she does really well. Glad to see her want to be involved and out and about moving and enjoying the outdoors. She really does loves to play all sports. Good for her! Keep it up babe.

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Monday, June 15, 2009

Dancing Queen

Cassidy had her Dance Recital on May 30th. She has waited all year for this moment. This was her first year dancing and she really enjoyed it. She took with her friend McKenna, and off they went every Thursday for the past year. She has had some neat experiences. In December she got to show us what she was learning and dance in her jammies. In April she had an awesome experience feeling like a model getting her picture taken over and over and over again (Collage above). She liked having her hair all done up in curls, the make up and all the different poses she got to do. Unfortunately, she thought that we would get ALL those pictures (100 at least). But, mom only got 3 different poses, there was great sadness for a while. Then her Recital, and dancing at the Riverton Arts Festival. No one else from her class made it to the performance in Riverton, so her teacher asked if she wanted to do it by herself and she said yes. She did a great job. Her next experience will be getting to be a part of our city parade. We plan on dancing again next year, this time all ballet. Hope it all works out!


Art Festival

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Music & Rythm Program

Kenzie and her friends were in the Music & Rhythm program this year. It is an extra curricular class that they have gone to since November every Tuesday and Thursday an hour before school. It is not a required class, but does give credit to go toward the "High Flying Hawk" award they can earn for going the extra mile etc in their school experiences. It was taught by her teacher this year Mr. Foote, and she really enjoyed it.

"Three Bears"

"Tis A Gift"

A Round

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Oquirrh Temple Celebration ( by Kenzie)

I had the opportunity to be part of the Oquirrh Mountain Temple celebration. It took us at least a month to practice. Every Wednesday instead of having young womens just with our ward, the whole stake got together to practice for the Temple Celebration. The dancers were in one room and singers (I was in the choir) in another. We practiced from 8:00 to 9:00pm singing and dancing over and over again until we had all the music and dances mesmerized. Then all the stakes that were participating with the Oquirrh Mountain Temple Celebration got together for a dress rehearsal. We had to eat before we went up the because their can't be food in the Conference Center. Right after dinner I was ready to go to the dress rehearsal, we met as a ward and carpooled uptown. We were there for 5 hours, I really wanted to say later because it was so cool and I could feel the Savior standing right by me. On Saturday mom helped get my hair ready I got dressed then we took some pictures of me. We carpooled again to the CC (my dad calls it the Meganacle) I got to ride up with my friends. We got there and after waiting for 20minutes President Monson came in and we started to sing "We Thank Thee O God for A Prophet." that was awesome. Then we listened President Monson talk to us and then it was time to start the program. I had the most spiritual moment, I just was so happy I could hear the Saviors voice and I knew that the Temple is the house of god..

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Oquirrh Temple Dedication (by the mom)

What an amazing opportunity Kenzie has had. For several months she and all the other youth in the new temple district have been practicing for the cultural event. It has been fun to watch her get excited, and enjoy going to the practices. She got to go up to the Conference Center and practice just as a choir, and then go again for the dress rehearsal. She came home both times so excited for the program and all the things they were going to do. I was excited for her too. We talked a lot about what a neat experience to be in the same room with President Monson, and hear him speak just to the youth, and feel of his spirit. It was neat for me to drop her off at the meeting place for the ward, and see all the youth dressed either in their choir outfits or their costumes. We went as a family over to our Stake Center and were able to watch the Celebration from there. I was so filled with the spirit. I was so happy for her, and her opportunity. I loved what President Monson said to them, I loved watching all the dances, I loved hearing all the songs she had learned as part of the choir. I loved seeing the "Temple" rise out of the mountain they had built on the stage. I loved singing all the primary hymns about the Temple, and Forever Families. I loved the song written for this celebration "Come Up to the Mountain of the Lord." But, I think my most favorite part was at the very end as President Monson was leaving, he turned and waved at the youth...and they all waved back.