What a truely once in a lifetime opportunity we have this year being able to not only visit one new temple in the valley, but two. Cory didn't make it to the Draper Temple with us in March, so I made sure that we ALL got to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. This is our new temple. This is where we will go, to fill our ward and stake assignments, this is where McKenzie will go from now on to do Baptisms for the Dead. She was able to go with the ward her first time to the Jordan River Temple the Wednesday before we went to the Open House. She loved everything about doing Baptisms and wants to go again and again and again. So it was extra special for her to go through this temple knowing what to expect now and knowing that this is where she will go from now on. Cory took a Friday off, and we went as a family to the Open House. It was so beautiful and peaceful. It is so different from the Draper Temple, both extremely beautiful. They are different designs. Draper is very square, and the Oquirrh Mountain is Rectangular, and has two grand staircases. The Celestial Room is at the east end of the temple, the Chandelier in there is an eight pointed star. It is absolutely gorgeous. I had met a gentleman while waiting for our food one Wednesday at Carl's Jr, he was up from Utah County working in the temple, getting things ready to hang the chandelier and told me about it, so I was anxious to see it in person. Because this will be our temple we also have the opportunity to serve at the open house. Cory and I had gone to a training meeting the day before and it was so fun to walk through and recognize people from our Stake their volunteering. In the sealing rooms they have invited the Bishoprics and their wives to be in the rooms and share their testimonies about the temple. As we walked into one of the sealing rooms, the girls recognized the women in their that was going to speak to us. She is the crossing guard that the girls see everyday going to and from school. That was so neat for them. They got a hug, and I think it made it more personable and real to them to hear someone they know from their everyday goings on share her testimony. As we exited the temple and headed to the hospitality tent, Cutter looked up and there to greet us was Teacher Tricia, Cutter's preschool teacher. He was excited and gave her a hug. Again, so neat to see someone from his little world there serving and sharing in the special blessing of this temple. After our cookie, we headed to the front of the temple and took pictures. The Laurels have been asked to serve at the front of the temple and offer to take pictures so everyone can be in the picture. Just a wonderful, special experience.