March was a fun, crazy, out of control, month for McKenzie (and me). With turning twelve, she of course started Young Womens. She got to meet with the counselor over Beehives, and was introduced to the Personal Progress program. She and I have sat down and read through it. I'm excited to watch and help her achieve such great things. To welcome her into YW the Beehives came over and decorated her room while she was at piano. She loved it and was so excited. With the new Oquirrah Mountain Temple, and Draper Temple the young people in those temple districts have the opportunity to be a part of a Cultural Celebration. Since she is twelve, she gets to participate as well. She and I went to a Fireside to kick off the Celebration. What a neat, once in a lifetime opportunity for her. She is in the choir, and will be singing in the Conference Center on Temple Square the end of May. It is taking a lot of dedication and practices, but she loves it all. It is so cool to see her wear the bracelet they handed out at the fireside. It says "Come Up to the Mountain." What awesome spiritual experiences she is having so far in her young life. We went to 7th grade orientation, and registered for school. It still blows my mind that I will have one in Junior High. We went to St George to see our family the weekend of her birthday, and she thought that was great. She got to have lunch at Marv's, a BBQ, and time with family. We had a nice trip. And, she started soccer again. Welcome to twelve!!!!
Herriman PD vs City water guys
6 years ago
What a blessing to have such a great young women program in your ward!