I took Cutter to the dentist today... and phew, one little cavity! Can I just say that I HATE taking my kids to the dentist, because it always ends up costing us a bazillion dollars. I'm sure that we have paid the equivalent to the cost of McKenzie's braces (coming soon!) or at the very least a trip to Disneyland in dental work. McKenzie finally gets it, dental hygiene. She brushes with toothpaste, swishes with mouth wash and more than once a day. Cassidy is catching on to. Slowly but surely, there are still tears involved quite often, but still an improvement. Cutter, it is still a chore, and often with gallons of tears. They all still have to be reminded to brush in the morning, and brush at night, and in Cutter's case to use toothpaste. It is on the checklist of things to do. ("is you hair brushed, teeth brushed with toothpaste, shoes on....). On a friends blog she talked about getting the Sugar bugs. I started saying that to Cutter, "Oh Cutter, I see lots of sugar bugs, lets go get em, op I see more back there, and over there." Most of the time it works. Other times no way! It is just extremely sad, when you have to almost sit on your child (all three) to help them brush their teeth. The girls go to the dentist next week. I am keeping my fingers crossed!
I just added you to my blog list! Cute blog!