Let the partying begin!!!!! First, Kenz took this pic, and for whatever reason he looks kind of glum, but let me tell you, this kid is BEYOND excited to be in school...FINALLY!!!!! He was ready to start Kindergarten the day after Preschool ended. I told him he had to wait until after Cassidy was baptized, that gave him something to shoot for, and bought me some time and peace of mind, time is still such a hard concept for him. The baptism came and went, and we scrambled to find other things to measure by. He was really sad when Cass went last week and he didn't. When we went to meet his teacher for testing, he even had to take his backpack. Well today finally came. We walked Cass to school this morning, and he wanted to know when he got to go. I told him after lunch. At 10:30 he told me he was hungry. Sorry Charlie, we still have to wait a while. I took him and his little friend down the street that I tend to school, and they lined up, then out came his teacher, and off he went with the biggest grin in the world on his face!!!!! And as he entered the building... I started dancing!!!!!!!! Woot Woo!!!!!
Herriman PD vs City water guys
6 years ago