This girl is amazing. Now that she is in Young Women's she has been working hard on her Personal Progress. Setting goals, reading scriptures, writing in her journal and learning. For her Choice and Accountability value project (a project that they decide to work on that requires at least 10 hours of work) she decided to earn all the money for her Oakcrest camp this year. She is quite the babysitter, and there are several families in the ward that love to have her sit for them. Back in November she decided to save her babysitting money. She had many babysitting jobs, and just kept saving and saving. When it came time in March to go and register for Oakcrest camp. She had the $95 all saved. She is now saving for other things, including spending money at Oakcrest.
Another amazing thing about this girl: Last Sunday we got to church just a few minutes late, and snuck in the back. As the Bishop got up and announced the program, he reminded us that Kenzie was supposed to give a talk that day. We all had forgotten. I looked over at her and whispered, just go bear your testimony. She took the long walk up to the stand, sat for a minute next to the couple that was also speaking until the Bishop finished. She then got up, and not only shared her testimony of Faith (the topic she was to speak on) but also related some experiences that she had had. She shared the story her Grandmother has shared with her about her own testimony growing about Joseph Smith. She talked about Joseph Smith and the faith that he had to go to the grove and pray after reading the scripture in the Bible about if any of ye lack wisdom, let them as of God. She shared a time that we had lost my glasses, and were running late, and we prayed and found them instantly, thanks to Heavenly Father and our faith. She spoke from the heart, she spoke loud and with confidence, and then she bore her testimony. C and I were just in ah. It was the most beautiful, last minute, talk from the heart ever. Afterward so so so many ward members came up and said what an amazing job she did. Our Primary President just went on and on about it, and how she loved it because you could hear her, you could feel the spirit, and it was right from her heart. Her Sunday School teacher ranted and raved to me over her, how well she did, how much she loves Kenzie, and that she is the sweetest girl. The 2nd Counselor in the Bishopric was beyond impressed. He used the word "suburb." Another friend also gushed over Kenzie to her, and told her what a great job she did. And there were so many others as well.
She is truely an AMAZING girl, and we love her dearly!