Our Elementary school has a tradition that started about 4 years ago, they "dance through the decades." Each grade learns a certain dance pertaining to a certain era. Kindergartners do the hokey pokey, 1st grades do the twist, there is also line dancing, the hand jive, disco from the 70's and dancing from the good old 80's! It is a fun program, and I love to go watch the kids. This year was the twist for Cass and Kenzie got to do the 80's (my favorite dance era of course)!
Cassidy had a great time learning the twist, and as you can see in the video, she does quite well :). She got to wear her 1st grade class shirt, and she had a little speaking part before her grade danced.
Kenzie got to do several different dance moves from the 80's, and she seemed to master Michael Jackson's moonwalk. We had a good time picking her outfit, and doing her hair. It brought back a lot of memories for me, and I LOVED the music.
Hopefully in the future I can figure out why the video wouldn't work, and I will post it later.