This article of faith kept coming to my mind yesterday as I sat in Parent Teacher Conferences with my girls. They are all of these attributes. I love them so much!
Our appointment with Cassidy's teacher was first. She is one smart little cookie and LOVES school. She loves her teacher and loves to learn. Cassidy is reading at a third grade level, and is comprehending most everything that she reads. She gets math and loves it. About a month ago she was invited to start doing advanced spelling tests because she was consistently getting 100% on her tests. She still is getting between 95 to 100% on her tests, and the words are like nephew, strewn, interview, etc. She blows my mind. Her teacher loves her, and is so great to give her the things she needs to keep growing and learning and not get bored. All A's for Cassidy.
On we went to Kenzie's teacher. He is a former Principal, retired and came back to teach because he loves to teach, and loves the kids. We sat down, and he looked at Kenz, and said" what can I say? Kenzie is great, a delight to have in class." We looked over her scores, and he addressed the two areas that she was a little low in. The 1st, independent reading. She does it, she just needs to make sure she is getting it recorded. Easy fix. 2nd, problem solving. He was so great. He recognizes as well as C and I do that it mostly boils down to believing in herself. He told me "I know she can do it, I have seen her do it. She just needs to BELIEVE that she can." You could just tell how much he really cares for her. He wants her to succeed, and knows that she can. He reminded her that she has confidence in everything else that she does. She excels in public speaking, science, social studies, etc. He told her to remember that and how she feels when she does those things, and apply that to math. He is LDS so I felt comfortable to say in front of him that I remind her that Heavenly Father gave her a brain she needs to use it, and she needs to ask him for help with the things she struggles with. He went on to say "You know what the best part is? He gave you a perfect brain, not one that was used or broken, it isn't defective or anything. It is just right, and just right for you." We both left happy, satisfied and grateful for wonderful teachers that believe in her. She left with confidence. Her grades? 2 B's and 3 A's. Nothing at all to be ashamed of. I was happy dancing for sure!